About the Centers of Expertise
The Engineer Regulation ER 1110-1-8158 defines the policy and process for establishing and maintaining expert designation under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Centers of Expertise (CX) Program. The program provides an inventory of specialized knowledge and skills within USACE that can furnish beneficial and expert assistance to all USACE elements.
A Technical Center of Expertise (or TCX) is a USACE organization that has been approved by Headquarters, USACE (HQUSACE) as having a unique or exceptional technical capability in a specialized subject area that is beneficial to other USACE commands. The services to be rendered by a TCX are voluntary, advisory, and reimbursable.
A Mandatory Center of Expertise (or MCX) is a USACE organization that has been approved by HQUSACE as having a unique and exceptional technical capability in a highly specialized subject area that is critical to other USACE commands. A CX receives its designation as an MCX when one or more services provided by the CX are mandatory as defined in the specific Engineering Regulation. An MCX also must make a business case demonstrating its cost effectiveness, value and responsiveness are necessary above that needed for a TCX. An MCX must provide reasoning and justification for an MCX rather than a TCX during the initial approval process. Mandatory services to be rendered by an MCX are published in an ER specific to the MCX. Project delivery teams (PDTs) must utilize the services of the applicable MCX as required in the specific ER. These services may be reimbursable or centrally funded depending on the specific program.
Planning Centers of Expertise: Congress recognized the need to maintain a strong Civil Works Planning Program in Section 936 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986. In pursuit of planning excellence, USACE designated six national Planning Centers of Expertise (Coastal Storm Risk Management; Flood Risk Management; Inland Navigation; Deep Draft Navigation; Ecosystem Restoration; Water Management and Reallocation), and one sub-Center (Small Boat Harbors sub-Center). The Planning Centers of Expertise (PCX) oversee peer review, planning model certification, and provide training, technical services, policy development support, and other services to USACE. PCX services may be reimbursable or centrally funded depending on the specific program and activity.
Centers of Expertise Point of Contact
Program Manager USACE Headquarters ✉ USACE-Center-of-Expertise-Support@usace.army.mil |