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Hydroelectric Design Center

Place of CenterNWP
WebsiteHydroelectric Design Center
Center POCJordan Fink
☎ (503) 808-4200
HQ POCTimothy Paulus / Daniel Rabon
HQ DivEngineering & Construction
ER NumberER 10-1-53
Publication Date of ER30 Apr 2015
Date of Activation01 Oct 1980
Recertification Date20 Apr 2023
Functional Proponent (SES)Tom Smith
KeywordsHydro Design


The MCX for hydroelectric design was established to consolidate the USACE hydroelectric economic and engineering expertise and workload at a centralized office. HDC is an MCX for hydroelectric power plant economic evaluation, engineering, and design as well as a TCX for large pumping plant engineering and design.