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Transportation Systems Center (TSMCX)

Place of CenterNWO
WebsiteTransportation Systems Center (TSMCX)
Center POCSteven D. Carter
☎ (402) 995-2399
HQ POCGeorgette Hlepas
HQ DivEngineering & Construction
ER NumberER 1110-34-1
Publication Date of ER31 Oct 2016
Date of Activation01 Jan 1990
Recertification Date4 Apr 2024
Functional Proponent (SES)Tom Smith
KeywordsAirfields and pavements and roads


The Transportation Systems Center (TSC) was established in 1990 to support the Tri-Services (Army, Air Force, and Navy) for training, operations, and mobilization by providing expertise in the planning, design, construction, evaluation, and criteria development of military airfields, roads, and railroads. Furthermore, the TSC was also established to provide continuity, standardization, and technical excellence within the Army and as a benefit to all of the Department of Defense.