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Heating, Ventilating, & Air Conditioning

Place of CenterHNC
WebsiteHeating, Ventilating, & Air Conditioning
Center POCRhonda Fetner
☎ (256) 895-1727
HQ POCTim Gordon
HQ DivEngineering & Construction
Date of ActivationN/A
Recertification Date26 Apr 2023
Functional Proponent (SES)Tom Smith

You can also contact this center via email at CEHNC-HVAC-TCX@usace.army.mil.


The Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Technical Center of Expertise (HVAC-TCX) provides technical engineering support to Army organizations including HQUSACE, USACE Divisions and Districts, Army Commands, individual garrisons, and field elements. Technical assistance includes a wide range of services which includes answering technical questions, performing technical submittal reviews including design drawings/specifications, preparing detailed design packages, specifications development, procurement documents development, developing energy models, conducting life cycle cost analyses, and conducting performance verification and acceptance testing of HVAC . The Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Technical Center of Expertise (HVAC-TCX) leads the USACE efforts for planning, design, troubleshooting, commissioning support, life cycle costing and modeling in support of the Civil Works and Military construction mission.