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A Military Construction Community R&D Site

About the Model RFP

ANNOUNCEMENT: The new MRSI Wizard has been released! This new tool is designed to streamline the development of Request for Proposal (RFP) Statement of Work (SOW) for new Military Construction (MILCON) Design-Build (D-B) projects. Please visit the MILCON D-B page for more information and to access either the new or legacy version of this wizard.

The Model Request for Proposal (RFP) is a set of templates that provides USACE the ability to standardize RFP structure and content for new Military Construction (MILCON) Design-Build (D-B) and Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (SRM) projects.

Model RFP Benefits:

  • Provides a consistent format for Request for Proposals. Consistency makes it easier for prospective contractors to submit accurate proposals.
  • Ensures criteria and Army Standards compliance during design authoring and reviews, contract awards, and delivery of facilities. Supports new acquisition strategies, one change in model updates all future RFPs.
  • Criteria updates by USACE Centers of Standardization (COS), SRM and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) subject matter experts ensure that new policy and best practices are quickly implemented in the field.

The Model RFP is generated using a web-based application called a Wizard.

The Wizards provide standardization while allowing users define project and facility specific Scopes of Work (SOW).

The MRSI RFP Wizards