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Small Projects Wizard

Small Projects Wizard Please use Microsoft Edge to start the Wizard.

Click here to start the Wizard using Microsoft Edge.

The RFP Wizard for Small Projects provides a standardized way to support the creation of Request For Proposal (RFP) documents for the design and construction of facility Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (SRM) and small Military Programs work. The RFP Wizard for Small Project capitalizes on the previous development and success of the RFP Wizard for MILCON for new construction, and facilitates a comprehensive approach to small project RFP development.

Memorandum for the Under Secretary of Defense (10 Sep 2013) requires "a standardized process for facility condition assessments to ensure consistent and reliable data necessary for sound strategic investment decisions in managing the Department's built environment." This policy further mandates that Defense Components (e.g. Army, Air Force and Navy) adopt a common process (NLT FY19) that incorporates the Sustainment Management System (SMS) developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL). This includes the BUILDER module in the SMS suite of applications.

BUILDER standardizes work items utilizing UNIFORMAT II - a consistent description of facility systems and components. The RFP Wizard for Small Projects allows designers to utilize UNIFORMAT II building element classifications to create consistent RFPs across all of USACE.

Additionally, the use of UNIFORMAT II work items in the RFP Scope of Work (Section 01 10 00) supports future "round-tripping" of work items back to BUILDER. While this functionality is currently only available in a subset of projects, it is anticipated to be rolled-out to all projects with the future release of a consolidated RFP Wizard.

In either method, the RFP Wizard for Small Projects uses the UNIFORMAT II compliant standard for organizing the scopes of work to ensure future mapping to BUILDER, which will expedite the execution of Small Projects for all stakeholders.

Please Note: In order to log in to the Small Projects Wizard application, you will need a MRSI Wizard account. To request a MRSI account, please send an email to MRSI Support from the email address you wish to use as your account login (preferably a .mil or .gov address) and we will set one up for you.
