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A Military Construction Community R&D Site

Life Cycle Cost Analysis

General Email Contact:LCCA@usace.army.mil
Related CoPsHQ USACE Proponent
Mukesh Kumar
Brandon Martin
*May require CAC login

About Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Welcome to the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA CX) website. This page has been set up as a collaborative environment to share LCCA questions, concerns, and lessons learned with the Engineering & Construction USACE communities. The content will be updated periodically to address the latest new mandates or address shared challenges, such as new technology, ASHRAE changes, and the latest LEED requirements. The goal of this community forum is to help deliver new buildings that provide optimal value to customers based on life cycle cost decisions. USACE has a variety of interdisciplinary engineers, architects and construction professionals that bring LCCA experience to this forum. Please feel free to share and send any questions or information to LCCA@usace.army.mil or start a thread in the Life Cycle Cost Discussion tab. ​

Research & Services

Plan to Create and Share Knowledge with USACE, Army and DoD

a. Website for Regional Energy, Sustainability, & LCCA Centers of Expertise: The LCCA CX website was created and uploaded in FY 2014. The LCCA CX website is expected to be a “living site” that will continue to be developed and updated during FY 2016 and beyond.

b. Webinars and Instructional Presentation Material: On-line webinar training classes are proposed to be developed and presented started in FY 2014. Webinars will provide LCCA concepts pertaining to such topics as policy guidance, Energy Conservation Investment Projects (ECIP), utilization of the Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC) program, and evaluation of energy saving building systems. Other webinars will focus on MILCON projects and the use of LCCA during the MILCON design process and how to narrow down alternatives during the early stage of MILCON design. It is anticipated that a webinar will be developed to focus on LCCA during final design and the LCCA input into building envelope modeling tools such as TRANE Trace and eQUEST.

c. Assistance for Professional Development, Credentials, and Certifications: Information on LCCA training resources and educational opportunities will be posted to the website.

Research Topics

The LCCA CX can gather and provide recommendations on issues and topics associated with LCCA subject matter areas that need additional research information and data bases developed.

Plan to partner with similar groups in other organizations

The LCCA CX will coordinate with outside agencies including the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and other industry and Government professionals.

Plan to coordinate and leverage industry and educational resources outside of DoD

The LCCA CX will identify experts, contacts and organizations in the private sector and other Federal agencies. Many of these outside organizations offer LCCA related training and educational opportunities. These training opportunities can be identified to supplement the training opportunities available within USACE and the DoD.

Plan shall encourage technology enabled distance opportunities

To the maximum extent possible, the LCCA CX will try and use virtual teaming and web based training.


Articles & Case Studies0
Best Practices3
Design Tools11
Policy & Guidance7