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Utility Metering

General Email Contact:Metering@usace.army.mil
Related CoPsHQ USACE Proponent
Murty Dinivahi
Shawn Herrera
*May require CAC login

About Utility Metering

History: The original Army Metering Implementation Strategy was developed in response to the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) requiring all federal facilities to be metered with advanced meters for electrical consumption by 1 October 2012 where economically practicable. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007) established a FY16 deadline for metering of all utilities (including natural gas, and steam) serving federal facilities. To meet requirements set forth by the EPAct 2005, EISA07, and relative Department of Defense (DoD) guidelines, the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 (DCS, G-9) assigned Army Corps of Engineers, Huntsville Center (CEHNC) to plan and execute an Army Metering Program (AMP) across all garrisons/centers for active Army, Army Reserve (USAR), and National Guard (ARNG) regions worldwide.

Goals: The Army’s planned implementation of advanced electric, water, gas, and steam meters will result in the direct measurement of 65 percent of the total energy consumed by Army facilities. The facilities selected for metering under the centrally funded metering program are those that are economically justified in accordance with the DOE and OSD implementing guidance for EPAct 2005 and EISA 2007. Data from advanced electric meters are reported in fifteen minute increments; advanced mechanical (natural gas, water, and steam) meters report data daily. In accordance with EXORD 028-12, all facility metering efforts shall be coordinated with the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (CEHNC) to prevent duplication with the centrally funded metering program and compliance with network security requirements for meter data communications.

Scope: Most regions or garrisons will have a local head end server, where all the metering data is collected and forwarded to the enterprise Meter Data Management System (MDMS). An operator can remotely view and analyze the data from the meter from MDMS. All Army Reserves and National Guard regions and AMC/SMDC/IMCOM garrisons will be given a field integration tool (FIT) imaged by the local Network Enterprise Command (NEC) or Commands to modify parameters of the meters or to conduct troubleshooting, as needed. The recent path forward involves testing by IASED associated with obtaining an ATO for the NETCOM approved technical solution labeled Enterprise Data Reporting System (EDRS). Other smart building technologies for energy efficiency can also utilize this existing infrastructure.

For questions or comments, please email Metering@usace.army.mil


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