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Life Cycle Cost Analysis for ECIP DD1391s

Presented By Rhett Graves

Broadcast Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for Energy Conservation Investment Program (ECIP) DD 1391s

(DD 1391s are the documents used to submit funding requests to Congress for military construction projects)

This presentation covers the differences between: 1) the typical life-cycle cost procedures used in design alternative selection, and 2) the life-cycle cost procedures used for developing DD1391 programming documents for the Energy Conservation Investment Program.

The intent of the course is to assist developers of DD1391s with the preparation of the LCCA and to highlight the importance of USACE District involvement at the earliest stages of ECIP project programming. Participants will learn the differences between design alternative life-cycle costing and DD1391 life-cycle costing, the major components of DD1391 LCCA, and gain an overall awareness of USACE's role in ECIP DD1391 development.

We will have time for Questions at the end.

Our new presenter, Mr. Graves, is a registered Professional Engineer with 15 years of experience in the energy and design engineering fields.

He holds a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University and currently serves as a Mechanical Engineer for the US Army Corps of Engineers at the Huntsville Center, providing technical support for a variety of Army energy and criteria programs.

Previously in his career, he has held positions with Mississippi State University's Industrial Assessment Center, Texas A&M's Energy Systems Laboratory, Tour Andover Controls, DOE's Clean Energy Application Center, and the US Air Force.