Welcome to MRSI
A Military Construction Community R&D Site


Facility NameCategory CodeFunctional ProponentCOSImage
Access Control Points14113, 87250, 85110OPMGNWOexample of the facility
AdministrationTAMexample of the facility
Advanced Individual Training Complex72121G-3/5/7SWFexample of the facility
Air Operations Building and Air Traffic Control Tower (AOB/ATCT)14110 (AOB), 13310 (ATCT)DCS, G2SAS
Aircraft Clear Water Rinse Facility113 xxDCS, G4SAM
Army Family Housing71111, 71112, 71113, 71114, 71115, 71116, 71117DCS G-9 Housing, NAVFAC, AFNAOexample of the facility
Automation-Aided Instruction17136G3/TRADOCNAOexample of the facility
Basic Training and One Station Unit Training Complex72181 (includes 14185, 17119), 14183, 44220, 17139, 72210G-3/5/7SWFexample of the facility
BattleField Weather Support Facility14117DCS, G2SASexample of the facility
BilletingTAMexample of the facility
Briefing/Assembly/ClassroomTAMexample of the facility
Brigade/Battalion Headquarters14182 (BDE HQ), 14183/17119 (BN HQ)DCS, G3SASexample of the facility
Central Issue Facility44227DCS, G4SWFexample of the facility
Chapels73017OTCNWOexample of the facility
Child Development - School Age Center (SAC)74016G-9HNCexample of the facility
Child Development Center - Less than 6 Years of Age74017G-9HNCexample of the facility
Company Operations Facility14185, DCS, G-3SASexample of the facility
Criminal Investigation Command 14114G3NAOexample of the facility
DiningTAMexample of the facility
ENVELOPESN/ATBDTAMexample of the facility
Echelons Above Brigade Command & Control Facility14190/XXXXXDCS, G-3SASexample of the facility
Enlisted Personnel Dining Facility (EPDF)72210, 72212G4/JCCOENAOexample of the facility
Family Life Center73019OTCNWOexample of the facility
Fire Station73010DCS, G-9HNCexample of the facility
Fire StationTAMexample of the facility
Fixed Wing Aviation Unit Aircraft Maintenance Hangar21110 (11370, 11340, 21470, 14179, and 44222)DCS, G4SAM
Force ProtectionTAMexample of the facility
General Instruction Building17120, 74025G3NAOexample of the facility
General Purpose Maintenance Facility - Logistics Readiness Center21885DCS, G4SASexample of the facility
General Purpose Warehouse44110, 44220, 44230, 44271, 44288G4SWFexample of the facility
HeadquartersTAMexample of the facility
Information Systems Facility13115G6NAOexample of the facility
Initial Entry Training Chapels73017OTCNWOexample of the facility
Joint Operation CenterTAMexample of the facility
Judicial Center with Courtroom61075HQDA OTJAGLRLexample of the facility
LatrineTAMexample of the facility
LaundryTAMexample of the facility
Low Density Barracks (Officer Quarters)TAMexample of the facility
MWR-FitnessTAMexample of the facility
MedicalTAMexample of the facility
Non‐Commissioned Officer Academy17120, 72122, 72210, 75027G-3/5/7NAOexample of the facility
Operational Readiness Training Complex14184, 72114, 72412, 72212, 14186, 21406, 14187DAMO-TRC, HQDA DCS G-9LRLexample of the facility
Physical Fitness Center74028G-9HNCexample of the facility
Reception Barracks72122G1SWFexample of the facility
ReligiousTAMexample of the facility
Religious Education Facility73018OTCNWOexample of the facility
Senior Leaders Quarters72410DCS G-9 HousingLRLexample of the facility
Soldier Performance Readiness CenterTBDArmy DCS G3/5/7HNCexample of the facility
TDA Aviation Unit Aircraft Maintenance Hangar21110 (11370, 11340, 21470, and 14179)DCS, G4SAM
TOE Rotary Wing Aviation Battalion Aircraft Maintenance Hangar211 10, 211 13, 211 14, 211 16, 211 17, 211 20, 141 79, 11340, 11370, 21470DCS, G4SAMexample of the facility
Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility21410 (21412, 21470, 45210, and 85210)DCS, G-4SASexample of the facility
Tactical Operation CenterTAMexample of the facility
Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems Maintenance Hangar21115 (11340, 21470, and 44222)DCS, G4SAMexample of the facility
Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing72111, 17138, 72181G1SWFexample of the facility
Unit Supply Support Activity Facility44226DCS, G4SWFexample of the facility
Weapon StorageTAMexample of the facility
Youth Center74066G-9HNCexample of the facility