Access Control Points | 14113, 87250, 85110 | OPMG | NWO |  |
Administration | | | TAM |  |
Advanced Individual Training Complex | 72121 | G-3/5/7 | SWF |  |
Air Operations Building and Air Traffic Control Tower (AOB/ATCT) | 14110 (AOB), 13310 (ATCT) | DCS, G2 | SAS | |
Aircraft Clear Water Rinse Facility | 113 xx | DCS, G4 | SAM | |
Army Family Housing | 71111, 71112, 71113, 71114, 71115, 71116, 71117 | DCS G-9 Housing, NAVFAC, AF | NAO |  |
Automation-Aided Instruction | 17136 | G3/TRADOC | NAO |  |
Basic Training and One Station Unit Training Complex | 72181 (includes 14185, 17119), 14183, 44220, 17139, 72210 | G-3/5/7 | SWF |  |
BattleField Weather Support Facility | 14117 | DCS, G2 | SAS |  |
Billeting | | | TAM |  |
Briefing/Assembly/Classroom | | | TAM | ![example of the facility]() |
Brigade/Battalion Headquarters | 14182 (BDE HQ), 14183/17119 (BN HQ) | DCS, G3 | SAS |  |
Central Issue Facility | 44227 | DCS, G4 | SWF |  |
Chapels | 73017 | OTC | NWO |  |
Child Development - School Age Center (SAC) | 74016 | G-9 | HNC |  |
Child Development Center - Less than 6 Years of Age | 74017 | G-9 | HNC |  |
Company Operations Facility | 14185, DCS, G-3 | | SAS |  |
Criminal Investigation Command | 14114 | G3 | NAO |  |
Dining | | | TAM |  |
Echelons Above Brigade Command & Control Facility | 14190/XXXXX | DCS, G-3 | SAS |  |
Enlisted Personnel Dining Facility (EPDF) | 72210, 72212 | G4/JCCOE | NAO |  |
Family Life Center | 73019 | OTC | NWO | ![example of the facility]() |
Fire Station | 73010 | DCS, G-9 | HNC |  |
Fire Station | | | TAM |  |
Fixed Wing Aviation Unit Aircraft Maintenance Hangar | 21110 (11370, 11340, 21470, 14179, and 44222) | DCS, G4 | SAM | |
Force Protection | | | TAM |  |
General Instruction Building | 17120, 74025 | G3 | NAO |  |
General Purpose Maintenance Facility - Logistics Readiness Center | 21885 | DCS, G4 | SAS |  |
General Purpose Warehouse | 44110, 44220, 44230, 44271, 44288 | G4 | SWF |  |
Headquarters | | | TAM |  |
Information Systems Facility | 13115 | G6 | NAO |  |
Initial Entry Training Chapels | 73017 | OTC | NWO |  |
Joint Operation Center | | | TAM |  |
Judicial Center with Courtroom | 61075 | HQDA OTJAG | LRL |  |
Latrine | | | TAM |  |
Laundry | | | TAM |  |
Low Density Barracks (Officer Quarters) | | | TAM |  |
MWR-Fitness | | | TAM |  |
Medical | | | TAM |  |
Non‐Commissioned Officer Academy | 17120, 72122, 72210, 75027 | G-3/5/7 | NAO |  |
Operational Readiness Training Complex | 14184, 72114, 72412, 72212, 14186, 21406, 14187 | DAMO-TRC, HQDA DCS G-9 | LRL |  |
Physical Fitness Center | 74028 | G-9 | HNC |  |
Reception Barracks | 72122 | G1 | SWF |  |
Religious | | | TAM |  |
Religious Education Facility | 73018 | OTC | NWO | ![example of the facility]() |
Senior Leaders Quarters | 72410 | DCS G-9 Housing | LRL |  |
Soldier Performance Readiness Center | TBD | Army DCS G3/5/7 | HNC |  |
TDA Aviation Unit Aircraft Maintenance Hangar | 21110 (11370, 11340, 21470, and 14179) | DCS, G4 | SAM | |
TOE Rotary Wing Aviation Battalion Aircraft Maintenance Hangar | 211 10, 211 13, 211 14, 211 16, 211 17, 211 20, 141 79, 11340, 11370, 21470 | DCS, G4 | SAM |  |
Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility | 21410 (21412, 21470, 45210, and 85210) | DCS, G-4 | SAS |  |
Tactical Operation Center | | | TAM |  |
Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems Maintenance Hangar | 21115 (11340, 21470, and 44222) | DCS, G4 | SAM |  |
Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing | 72111, 17138, 72181 | G1 | SWF |  |
Unit Supply Support Activity Facility | 44226 | DCS, G4 | SWF |  |
Weapon Storage | | | TAM |  |
Youth Center | 74066 | G-9 | HNC |  |