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Child Development - School Age Center (SAC)

Functional ProponentG-9
COS Program/Technical ManagerChris Shepherd
Facility Lead(s)Michael Johnson Rajette Hodge
Category Code(s)74016


A SAC is used by the Army to support readiness of families by reducing the conflict between military mission workforce requirements and parental responsibilities. SAC facilities covered in this Army Standard and Army Standard Design are developed to support the needs of children six years of age to children ten years of age. The SAC provides before-school and after-school care during the duty day, summer, school-out days, and holidays. Services are generally provided on a regularly scheduled daily basis for before-school and after-school care, as well as on a full-day basis during the summer, school-out days, and holidays. The Army Standards for the SACA are based on Army Baseline Standards and Department of Defense requirements for certification.


Facility Size Classification Design Capacity ​Number of Staff ​Gross Building Area (SF) Playground Area (SF) ​Parking Spaces
Wing Addition​ ​60-75 ​12 10,500 ​47,606 ​35
Small​ 105-135 ​22 ​15,500 ​47,606 ​45
Medium​ ​150-180 ​28 ​23,700 ​52,106 ​54
Large​ ​195-225 ​38 ​26,900 ​52,106 ​64


Army Standards1
DD1391 Templates3
Example Projects0
Misc. Docs (VE, LCCA, LEED, etc...)9
Standard Designs5