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Soldier Performance Readiness Center

Functional ProponentArmy DCS G3/5/7
COS Program/Technical ManagerChris Shepherd
Facility Lead(s)Ross Allen
Category Code(s)TBD


Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) is a comprehensive, integrated, and immersive health and fitness system of governance, personnel, equipment/facilities, program, and leader education that generates lethal Soldiers who are physically ready and mentally tough to engage with and overmatch the enemy in multi-domain operations. H2F is an overarching framework (system) that focuses all aspects of human performance optimization (e.g., periodization, recovery, sleep, injury prevention, nutrition, mental training) to maximize individual and unit readiness. It is a lifecycle system that develops/improves/sustains Soldier readiness from pre-accession training, through an Army career, and as a Soldier for life. One component of this system will be the Soldier Performance Readiness Center (SPRC). The SPRC is a facility dedicated for the weekly training designed to generate lethal Soldiers who are physically fit and mentally tough to engage with and overmatch the enemy in multidomain operations.


No variation in facility standard design.


Army Standards1
DD1391 Templates3
Example Projects0
Misc. Docs (VE, LCCA, LEED, etc...)1
Standard Designs8