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A Military Construction Community R&D Site


COS Manager: Jennifer Henry

Established in 1886, Louisville District (LRL) employs about 1200 people in the five-state area of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio. LRL is one of the Corps’ more diverse districts, has both a civil works and military construction mission. LRL's civilian workforce is made up of professional engineers, architects, planners, economists, biologists, and other specialists, supporting Civil Works and Military Construction Missions.

Primary civil works services include flood damage reduction; navigation; regulatory activities; water supply; water quality; hydro-power; environmental conservation and enhancement; recreation; and emergency response.

  • The civil works boundary encompasses nearly 76,000 square miles of the Lower Ohio River Basin. This includes the Ohio River (from river mile 438 at Foster, Kentucky to river mile 981 at Cairo, Illinois) and its tributaries.

The District’s military construction services include engineering design; plans and specifications; construction; real estate services for the following:

  • 12 Army Installations, 5 Air Force Installations, 5 DoD sites, 6 BRAC.
  • Support to Army Reserve Centers and Center of Standardization Program CONUS and OCONUS.

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