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Army Family Housing

Functional ProponentDCS G-9 Housing, NAVFAC, AF
Technical POCMatthew Scanlon
COS ManagerMatthew Scanlon
Category Code(s)71111, 71112, 71113, 71114, 71115, 71116, 71117


CATCD 1: 71111-71116: Army Family Housing facilities that meet or exceed those minimum standards for assignment as quarters for officer and enlisted grades and for civilian grade equivalents where authorized.

CATCD 2: 71117: A facility that provides family housing for civilians not associated with the military.

All projects comply with the Army Standard for Family Housing, AR 420-1 and UFC 4-711-01 Family Housing. The standards applies to all Army facilities including Active, Reserve and National Guard Components on Army Installations, and serves as the primary authority for Army Family Housing worldwide. Family Housing quarters include living areas, kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, storage, garage, and private entrance. Supporting facilities include site work; all required utility systems; storm drainage; street lighting; recreational elements; neighborhood and transportation amenities; parking; maintenance and management facilities; information systems; heating and air conditioning; and measures in accordance with the Department of Defense DoD Minimum Antiterrorism for Buildings standards. Accessibility for individuals with disabilities is provided in a percentage of the quarters. Design and construction includes requirements of current Sustainable Design and Development Policy Update (Environmental and Energy Performance). Historic structures are included in this facility type and are often used as general or commanding officer quarters. AR 420-1 addresses historic structures and special command positions, including special allowances and requirements. Privatized housing construction is governed by RCI (Residential Communities Initiative) standards, not AFH Standards.


There are no variations for this facility standard design.

For Standard Design documents and technical support, please contact the COS Manager listed above for more information.


Army Standards1
DD1391 Templates18
Misc. Documents7
Standard Designs1