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Automation-Aided Instruction

Functional ProponentG3/TRADOC
Technical POCMatthew Scanlon
COS ManagerMatthew Scanlon
Category Code(s)17136


Automation-Aided Instructional Facilities utilize the General Instruction Buildings (GIB) Standard Design Criteria, which is found in the GIB portal. The Automation-Aided Instructional category applies to classrooms (usually within a GIB but occasionally a stand-alone building) used predominantly for digital training that meets the technical requirements of the legacy "Classroom XX1, level 3" described in TRADOC 350-70 for distance-learning (see classroom technology levels listed below) and/or is single-purposed with fixed equipment, furnishings, or other training devices that preclude flexible classroom use (ie ability to move student stations/tables). They are differentiated from other classrooms by their dedicated single use. For example, the typical distance-enabled computer lab-type classroom with its fixed computer stations would fall in this category because it cannot be used for other than broadcasted computerized instruction. It is important to note that the mere presence of networked student computer workstations does not in itself qualify a building for Catcode 17136. In reference to Current TRADOC technology requirements listed below, use Catcode 17136 when this single purposed classroom technology level is a level 3 or greater. Use Catcode 17120 in all other cases. In either case, apply the General Instruction Building (GIB) Standard Design Criteria for building planning and design. Use Catcode 172xx for facilities that conduct training in simulators such as 17210, Simulator Building (Motion-Based); 17211, Simulator Building (Non-Motion Based); 17213, Simulation Center; and 17214, Battle Lab. Although Automation-Aided Instructional Buildings may contain simulators, it is recommended to use the appropriate Catcode-specific DD Form 1391 in order to adequately capture the inherently greater cost.


The TRADOC classroom technology levels are as follows:

Level 1: These classrooms are characterized by a basic instructor-led presentation-type pedagogical approach in which the Program of Instruction (POI) content is best delivered using discussion techniques. The Instructor has access to digital course materials typically housed in the Digital Training Access Center (DTAC) and leads the students through the training materials from a multi-media instructor station.

Level 2: This level builds upon the base level 1 capability by providing an individual multi-media student workstation for each student. Through the electronic communication infrastructure, each individual workstation has the capability to access approved training material from a centralized storage center. This classroom allows training to be designed for student participation using IMI courseware.

Level 3: This level classroom builds on the Level Two by providing video teletraining capability (2-way audio and video) and access to worldwide sources of information to each student. This classroom allows training developers to design training that integrates training and information from worldwide sources. It provides a foundation for collaborative training among branches and schools; alternative training strategies using governmental, educational, industrial, and commercial sources; and the platform to support the delivery of distance learning.

Level 4: These classrooms are designed to support simulations and simulators. They are highly specialized or provide the capability to support the US Army Family of Simulations (FAMSIM) that cannot be accomplished with a Level Two or Three Classroom.

Level 5: This classroom will be based on a virtual reality environment. While there are some pilot projects underway, a general requirement for classrooms with this capability has not been identified at this time.

Note that TRADOC conducts periodic reviews of the above listed technology levels and revisions should be anticipated.

It is important to note that the technology levels are not classroom size dependent, and classroom sizes for all levels of technology are provided within the General Instruction Building (GIB) Standard Design Criteria (Catcode 17120), which provide requirements and guidance to address the wide variety of curriculum and supporting facilities requirements.

Refer to General Instruction Building portal for DD1391 templates, Standard Design Criteria, and other guidance documents. See below for example classroom layouts. These are not mandatory.


Army Standards1
DD1391 Templates1
Misc. Documents1