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Enlisted Personnel Dining Facility (EPDF)

Functional ProponentG4/JCCOE
Technical POCMatthew Scanlon
COS ManagerMatthew Scanlon
Category Code(s)72210, 72212


A facility, with cafeteria style dining operations, for unaccompanied personnel and other authorized persons.


Permanent Party (PP) Dining Facility - 72210

In general these facilities are set up similar to a college cafeteria/food court style serving where larger varieties of food are prepared. PP DFACs are not necessarily programmed with housing or training facilities.

The optimum design population (number of persons served per meal per day) for each facility is Small (500 persons), Medium (800 persons), and Large (1300 persons). The programming range for Small, Medium, and Large DFACs should be based on a starting population equal to approximately 80% of the optimum population and ending at approximately 80% of the next size facility. Programming ranges are Small (400-660 persons), Medium (661-1056 persons), and Large (1057-1716 persons). This assures DFACs are always sized above the 65% of optimum design population which is required by AR 30-22, The Army Food Program as a minimum average attendance. Feeding requirements less than the smallest or greater than the largest programming range would require an alternative feed procedure such as sharing another dining facility.

Trainee Dining Facility (aka AIT Dining Facility) - 72210

The 1300 Person Training Dining Facility (TNG) and 2600 Person TNG Army Standard and Standard Designs define functional/operational requirements for trainee dining facilities. There are two sizes for Training, 1300 and 2600 person, which represent the patrons served in a single meal. In general these facilities are for Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (BT/AIT) Complexes and other structured trainee environments. Meals are cooked on site and serving is linear in nature with the tray return set up to accommodate large groups of patrons leaving simultaneously. It also provides an exterior assembly canopy outside each entrance. TNG DFACs are generally programmed with Training Complexes. Permanent Party (72210) and Operational Readiness Training Complex Dining Facility (72212) standards are not the same as TNG DFACs.

Operational Readiness Training Complex (and Transient Training) Dining Facility - 72212

The 720 Person and 1428 Operational Readiness Training Complex (ORTC) Dining Facility Army Standards and Standard Designs define functional/operational requirements ORTC dining facilities. There are two sizes, 720 person and 1428 person, which represent the patrons served in a single meal. Meals are cooked on site and serving is linear in nature with the tray return set up to accommodate large groups of patrons leaving simultaneously. It also provides a small exterior assembly canopy outside each entrance. The facility is considered lean in relationship to Permanent Party and Training DFACs. ORTC DFACs are generally programmed with ORTC Complexes (72212) but are also suitable for Transient Training environments, Reserve, and Guard.

These are not the same as Permanent Party and Training Dining Facility standards and should not be used in lieu of them.

The Louisville District is the COS for the ORTC Complex.


Army Standards3
DD1391 Templates7
Food Service Codes and Standards1
Misc. Documents6
Programmatic Value Engineering Study1
Standard Designs11