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General Instruction Building

Functional ProponentG3
Technical POCMatthew Scanlon
COS ManagerMatthew Scanlon
Category Code(s)17120, 74025


A General Instruction Building (GIB) (CAT Code 17120) includes primarily classroom space for multipurpose training and instruction typically conducted by a school/training center. These facilities may include an auditorium, library, learning resource centers, and administrative support space, and other special purpose spaces as required. This is a general purpose facility intended for use by Total Army School System (TASS) schools, schools/training centers of the Active and Reserve Components, the combined arms training center in major training areas, Defense Language Institute (DLI) and other sites (such as noncommissioned officer (NCO) academies) that serve a large population for basic lecture/conference seminar type instruction. Although GIB program elements and their respective sizes will vary from one GIB to another according to the program(s) of instruction (POI), TRADOC maintains centralized responsibility for the management, execution, and sustainment of the classrooms through the “Enterprise Classroom Program”. In addition to classrooms, GIBs may require hands-on "Applied Instruction" spaces to be incorporated within the GIB. Examples of these spaces include vehicle, weapons, or aviation systems maintenance training and other highly specialized applied training which are reported on other category codes. Guidance for the planning and design of GIBs is found in the Army Standards and GIB Standard Design Criteria, which provide criteria-based requirements and guidance to address the wide variety of curriculum and supporting facilities requirements. GIB planning is encouraged to consider the co-location and sharing of ACES spaces. These facilities are distinct from Organizational Classrooms (17119) associated with Battalion Headquarters and Trainee Barracks. Army Continuing Education System (ACES) facilities (CAT Code 74025) are different from GIB and often referred to as Education Centers. ACES buildings are designed to advance the academic, technical, and occupational skills of soldiers, family members, and authorized civilians. Programs are planned and conducted to support the recruitment, retention, and readiness needs of both the individual and the Army. Included are the university classrooms associated with off-campus college degree programs, but not university regional offices that, if located on post, are classified as Administrative Building General Purpose (Catcode 61050). ACES buildings include classroom, administrative, support and school counselor spaces. Size allowances of ACES are based upon active duty installation population. Planning should consider the use of and collocation with GIB spaces. Guidance for the planning and design of ACES buildings is found in the Army Standards and GIB Standard Design Criteria, which provide criteria-based requirements and guidance to address the wide variety of curriculum and supporting facilities requirements.

These standards were first approved 14 Dec 2004.


There are no variations to this facility standard design.


Army Standards2
DD1391 Templates13
Misc. Documents8
Standard Designs1