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Non‐Commissioned Officer Academy

Functional ProponentG-3/5/7
Technical POCMatthew Scanlon
COS ManagerMatthew Scanlon
Category Code(s)17120, 72122, 72210, 75027


The Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) is part of the Non-Commissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) which provides an Academy environment for educating Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) in the United States Army. The Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) is comprised of a dedicated campus of buildings for conducting individual and collective training for Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs). The Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) is required by the Army to accommodate administration, instruction, living, dining, outdoor training, equipment storage, related site amenities, and parking. The NCOA is comprised of several facility types to meet the Army's needs; the Academy Building which houses the Administration and core instruction functions, AST Barracks, Dining Facility (medium and large NCOA), Covered training, and Lawn Equipment Storage Building (LEB). These facilities, along with a running track and other authorized support facilities, comprise a cohesive campus environment to allow the students to live, eat, learn, and work together. For the academic portion of the NCOA 1391 templates, refer to General Instruction Building.



Army Standards1
DD1391 Templates0
Misc. Documents4
Standard Designs1