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Family Life Center

Functional ProponentOTC
Technical POCAskelon Parker
COS ManagerMatt Hebert
Category Code(s)73019


The Family Life Center facility type is designed to support the formal counsel functional-needs-set of Army community individuals, families, and congregations. For counseling staff, this includes administrative activities, counseling training, and counseling evaluation activities. For the Army community, this includes formal counseling sessions, workshops, seminars, support group meetings, and self-help resource access activities.

Note that the nature of this facility and the natural feelings and stress felt by people seeking formal counsel requires that these functions be supported by an individual (separate from Chapels, Religious Education Facilities, and most other large group meeting or high traffic facilities) facility located in an individual relatively discreet but accessible location on Installations. Chapels and Religious Education Facilities are by nature high traffic facilities usually placed in high visibility locations. This renders them highly unsuitable for meeting the formal counseling need.

In addition, the Chaplaincy staff members that serve the formal counseling mission are specifically trained for this and seldom overlap with Chapel and Religious Education staff members.

Recent research has sought to identify evolving trends in counseling and other supporting activities that should be accommodated in the immediate future. The results of this research have been combined with lessons learned from existing facilities and used to develop this new Army Standard and Army Standard Design. They are expected to remain applicable through the immediate and mid-range future.


There are no variations of this standard design.


For design documents and technical support, please contact the COS Manager listed above for more information.