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A Military Construction Community R&D Site


COS Manager: Jeff Stein

The Savannah District is responsible for military construction at some of the nations key military installations / power projection platforms, and manages water resources across the Savannah River Basin.


Established in 1829 with the construction of Fort Pulaski on the Savannah River (which was managed by LT Robert E. Lee serving as the Savannah “Station” Engineer), the Savannah District manages water resources across the Savannah River Basin.

The District:

  • Employs approximately 800 team members throughout Georgia and North Carolina;
  • Manages a multi-million-dollar military construction program at 7 Army and 3 Air Force installations in Georgia and North Carolina, providing barracks, dining facilities, training areas, command and control buildings, child care facilities, and more;
  • Is the Army Center of Standardization (CoS) for Command & Control Facilities, Battalion & Brigade HQ , Company Operations Facilities, and Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities.
  • Operates and maintains three hydroelectric dams and reservoirs along the upper Savannah River that encompass more than 200,000 acres of land and water; produce more than two million megawatt hours of clean, renewable energy annually; and attract more than 17.5 million visitors every year;
  • Performs dredging of the Savannah and Brunswick harbors to ensure safe and efficient passage of ship traffic (Savannah harbor is the 4th largest container port in U.S., 2nd largest on the East Coast);
  • Evaluates harbor deepening alternatives to reduce waterborne transportation costs and enhance efficiency in national and international trade; and
  • Has deployed more than 100 team members in support of Overseas Contingency Operations to help build critical infrastructure and public facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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