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Air Operations Building and Air Traffic Control Tower (AOB/ATCT)

Functional ProponentDCS, G2
Technical POCSara Murphy
COS ManagerJeff Stein
Category Code(s)14110 (AOB), 13310 (ATCT)


The Airfield Operations Building (AOB) is the central command, control, services, and management center of an Army Airfield Complex. The primary purpose of the Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) is to provide a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic.

The AOB/ATCT Facility is a major component of the larger, overarching Airfield Complex. Functional, operational, and spatial relationships critical to meeting mission requirements are embedded in the layout and spatial relationships of the elements that comprise an AOB/ATCT Facility.

The AOB/ATCT Facility is comprised of four major elements: Airfield Management/Command, Airfield Operations, Airfield Ground Support Services, and Air Traffic Control (ATC). The consolidation of these functions optimizes aircraft mishap response, day-to- day flight operations, and management of an Airfield Complex. As such, this facility is the key command, control, and safety management center for an Army Airfield Complex.


  • Airfield Operations Building - FCC 14110
    • Small AOB - Total: 6,240 GSF
    • Large AOB - Total: 13,050 GSF
  • Air Traffic Control Tower - FCC 13310
    • Size predicated on G3/5/7 requirement validation and unique location factors as determined by Air Traffic Services Command (ATSCOM) survey. When functionally required the following will also impact ATCT total gross square footage:
      • Army Radar Approach Control (ARAC)
      • Airspace Information Center (AIC)
      • Ground Control Approach (GCA)


Army Standards2