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General Purpose Maintenance Facility - Logistics Readiness Center

Functional ProponentDCS, G4
Technical POCSara Murphy
COS ManagerJeff Stein
Category Code(s)21885


The General Purpose Maintenance Facility (GPMF) is intended primarily for the maintenance, repair, and sustainment of vehicles and equipment assigned to units supported by the Logistics Readiness Center (LRC) Maintenance Division.

The GPMF is a major Installation Readiness operations facility with functional, operational, and spatial relationships potentially critical to meeting mission. Vehicle maintenance for the LRC/DPW and all vehicle maintenance support provided at garrison level is accomplished in this facility. Shops are made up, on an as needed basis, of the following functional areas: administration and shop control, repair bays, general item repair, compact item repair, special environment areas, toolbox storage, repair parts storage, paint bays, latrines, utilities, and break areas.


This Standard expresses the intent of, and limits to, components of the facility. It is modular, scalable, and expandable to provide maximum flexibility in its application for both new construction and as a reference for renovation / repurposing of existing facilities.

The scope of the primary facility will be based on the number and type of default modules plus any exception modules approved by Army Sustainment Command (ASC) to support special local or regional missions.

  • General Purpose Maintenance Facility (GPMF) – FCC 21885
  • Organizational Vehicle Parking – FCC 85210 – Authorized Scope Per RPLANS (SY)
  • Org Veh Parking Power & Data Conduit System – FCC 85210 – Authorized Scope Per RPLANS (SY)
  • Non-Organizational Vehicle Parking – FCC 85215 – Authorized Scope Per RPLANS (SY)


Army Standards2