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Fort Worth

COS Manager: Matt Milliorn

Ft. Worth District is one of eight Centers of Standardization (COS) established by the Director of Military Programs in March 2006. The Fort Worth COS supports: Office of Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 (DCS, G-9), Installation Management Command (IMCOM), the Facilities Design Team (FDT), and the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ proponent for our assigned facility types.

The Fort Worth District, established in 1950 after disastrous floods in the area, is responsible for water resources development in two-thirds of Texas, and military design and construction in Texas and parts of Louisiana and New Mexico.

The District:

  • Covers a geographical area of approximately 410,000 square miles and employs more than 1200 team members.
  • Manages one of the largest MILCON programs in the Corps supporting 17 military installations totaling 1200 projects.
  • Executes Civil Works missions including flood damage reduction, ecosystem restoration, water supply, recreation, and environmental stewardship for about 53% of the state of Texas.
  • Manages an O&M program including 25 lakes, three hydropower plants, and 340 recreation areas which receive about 25 million visitors annually.
  • Is one of eight USACE Centers of Standardization and is in charge of the following facility types:
    • AIT
    • ASTB (Under Development)
    • BT/OUST
    • CIF
    • GPW
    • RSB
    • SSA
    • UEPH

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