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Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing

Functional ProponentG1
Technical POCJavier Fano
COS ManagerMatt Milliorn
Category Code(s)72111, 17138, 72181


Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing (UEPH) remains one of the Army's most prioritized facilities due to the importance of solider wellbeing and combat readiness. UEPH facilities are intended to be similar both functionally and technically to apartment style housing in the private sector. The Standard Design provides ~90% of the population with four-bedroom, two bathroom units, which includes a kitchen, living area and in module washer and dryer. This is identified as the “4/2 Module”. The Standard Design also provides ~10% of the population with two-bedroom, one bathroom units. This is identified as the “2/1 Module”. This configuration complies with the mandatory requirements of providing one soldier per room with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities. Each occupant is allotted 495 gross square feet in the building.


As the UEPH is designed to meet current soldier housing needs and local site conditions, the building configurations (U-Shaped, L-Shaped, Etc.) are flexible. The mandatory requirement is to provide the approved Army Standard room module configurations (4/2 Module @ ~90% & 2/1 Module @ ~10%) and required common spaces. The UEPH COS can provide the approved Army Standard room module configurations.


Army Standards1
DD1391 Templates0
Misc. Documents4
Programmatic VE Study2
R&M Documents2
Standard Designs2